Graphic: Bureau of Indian Education Policy Memoranda from Bureau of Indian Affairs

On November 1, 2024, the Bureau of Indian Affairs issued two new National Policy Memoranda pertaining to two new Bureau of Indian Education programs.

  1. NPM-EDUC-36: Establishment of the Bureau of Indian Education's (BIE) Student Advisory Board (SAB) to Promote Inter-Generational Learning in Indigenous Education — In line with BIE's 2024-2029 Strategic Direction, BIE is establishing the BIE Student Advisory Board to promote effective communication and outreach with students.  This NPM outlines the application and nomination process, as well as the terms and duties of the SAB.
  2. NPM-EDUC-37: BIE's Breastfeeding Mothers' Milk Medicine Program — This NPM establishes the requirements for BIE-operated schools to provide reasonable accommodations for nursing mothers to pump or express breast milk, including allowing reasonable use of time and suitable facilities.

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Office of Communications
Bureau of Indian Education Central Office
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW, MIB-3610
Washington, DC 20240

Telephone: 202-941-0789